Member Database



Lionel P. Robert, Jr., is an Associate Professor in the School of Information (UMSI) at the University of Michigan, an AIS Distinguished Member Cum Laude, and an IEEE Senior Member. He completed his PhD in Information Systems from Indiana University, where he was a...


Dr. Ansari is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Michigan. He is the Director of the Data Science Unit at the Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care where he uses computational techniques such...


Zhongming Liu received  a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University, and received a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He also received postdoctoral training on magnetic resonance imaging from the National...


I am a postdoctoral research fellow in the departments of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering at The University of Michigan. I work developing novel signal processing and machine learning algorithms for analyzing medical images by building prognosis/diagnosis models...