Adam Horwitz
Assistant Professor
PhD, Clinical Psychology, University of Michigan
PROMPT Precision Health Study
Research Area(s)
Health services research | Sensors and Wearables | mental health | mobile health
- Predicting suicidal behavior among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth receiving psychiatric emergency services
- Suicide risk among gender and sexual minority college students: The roles of victimization, discrimination, connectedness, and identity affirmation
- Short-term change and prediction of suicidal ideation among adolescents: a daily diary study following psychiatric hospitalization
- Co-investigator of: Morning Light Treatment for Traumatic Stress: the Role of Amygdala Reactivity
- Principal investigator of: Low-burden Adaptive Mobile Interventions for Mood and Suicide Risk
- Principal investigator of: Low-burden Adaptive Mobile Interventions for Mood and Suicide Risk