Member Database

Alexander Rodríguez, PhD


Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Alexander is an Assistant Professor in CSE at the University of Michigan. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research is at the intersection of machine learning, time series, and scientific modeling, and his main application domains are public health and community resilience. He has published at top venues such as AAAI, NeurIPS, ICLR, KDD, WWW, AAMAS, PNAS and has organized workshops and tutorials at AAAI and KDD. His work won the best paper award at ICML AI4ABM 2022 and was awarded the 1st place in the Facebook/CMU COVID-19 Challenge and the 2nd place in the COVID-19 Grand Challenge. He was also invited to the Heidelberg Laureate Forum in 2022, and named a ‘Rising Star in Data Science’ by the University of Chicago Data Science Institute in 2021 and a ‘Rising Star in ML & AI’ by the University of Southern California in 2022. The College of Computing at Georgia Tech awarded him the Outstanding Dissertation Award 2024.


Agent-based Models, Artificial Intelligence, COVID-19, Forecasting, Influenza, Public health

University Affiliation(s)

MIDAS | e-Hail

Community and Professional Affiliation(s)

Mayo Clinic

Research Area(s)

Artificial Intelligence | Epidemiology | Infectious Diseases


  • Co-investigator of: Michigan-Public Health Integrated Center for Outbreak Analytics and Modeling
  • Co-investigator of: PIPP Phase II: Theme 2: AI Guidance under Uncertainty to Address and Reduce Disease Spread (AI-GUARDS)
  • Co-investigator of: PIPP Phase II: Theme 4 BEHIVE - BEHavioral Interaction and Viral Evolution for Pandemic Prevention and Prediction