Member Database

Amy Cohn

Industrial and Operations Engineering

PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Amy Ellen Mainville Cohn is an Alfred F. Thurnau Professor in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan, where she also holds an appointment in the Department of Health Management and Policy in the School of Public Health. Dr. Cohn is the Associate Director of the Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety (CHEPS) and serves on the leadership team of the Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation (IHPI). She holds an AB in applied mathematics, magna cum laude, from Harvard University, and a PhD in operations research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her primary research interests are in applications of combinatorial optimization, particularly to healthcare and aviation, and to the challenges of optimization problems with multiple objective criteria.


workgroup leader-cohort development

University Affiliation(s)


Research Area(s)

Health services research | Public policy and social science