Member Database

Christopher Friese, Ph.D., RN, AOCN


Elizabeth Tone Hosmer Professor of Nursing, Professor, Health Management and Policy
School of Nursing, School of Public Health

Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard University, Boston, MA, 2008
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2005
BSN, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1997

Dr. Christopher R. Friese is a national authority in measuring and improving the quality of cancer care delivery. Over his career,  he has led pivotal studies to develop and test strategies to improve outcomes of high-risk care.  His research findings were among the first to establish a significant relationship between favorable nurse practice environments and lower surgical mortality. With over 100 peer-reviewed publications, Dr. Friese’s research findings have informed clinical practice guidelines, and state and federal health policy. Dr. Friese spent 2016-2017 as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellow in the United States Senate. A clinical expert in hematological malignancies and advanced cancers, Dr. Friese continues to practice as a staff nurse at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center. In 2021, the President appointed Dr. Friese to a six-year term on the National Cancer Advisory Board, which sets national cancer research policy. In 2021, the President appointed Dr. Friese to a six-year term on the National Cancer Advisory Board, which sets national cancer research policy.


2018-2023, 2020-2025, 2022-2024 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Co-I Interdisciplinary Research Training Center in Cancer Care Delivery, Consultant University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center Support Grant, Making the right choice: Medicare plan selection and access to cancer care, National Cancer Institute, PI

University Affiliation(s)

Center for Improving Patient and Population Health | Rogel Cancer Center

Community and Professional Affiliation(s)

American Society of Clinical Oncology | National Cancer Advisory Board | Oncology Nursing Society | Patient Centered-Outcomes Research Board of Governors

Research Area(s)

Basic and Translational cancer research | Health services research | Public policy and social science


  • Funded by: FRIESE, Christopher R
  • Funded by: FRIESE, Christopher R
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