Member Database

Oliver Haimson, PhD


Assistant Professor

Dr. Oliver Haimson is an Assistant Professor at University of Michigan School of Information and a recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER award. He conducts social computing research focused on envisioning and designing trans technologies, social media content moderation and marginalized populations, and changing identities on social media during life transitions. Much of his research has focused on transgender identities and experiences online and with social technologies, and his research goal is to impact technological inclusion of marginalized users. He earned his PhD in Information and Computer Science from the Informatics Department at University of California, Irvine’s Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences.

University Affiliation(s)

Digital Studies Institute | ESC | IRWG

Research Area(s)

Health disparities | LGBTQ+ Mental Health | social media use | technology


  • Funded by: HAIMSON, Oliver L
  • Principal investigator of: HCC: Small: Social Media and Identity Transitions in Contemporary Society: Designing Technology to Support Social Readjustment
  • Principal investigator of: Collaborative Research: HCC: Medium: Designing Trans Technologies
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