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Shilpa Kodati, MBBS


Assistant Professor

I am an Assistant Professor at the Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan. The overarching goal of my research is to better understand the molecular and cellular pathways mediating uveitis. Specifically, my translational laboratory group is studying 1) the clinical variation in response to treatment; 2) the association between disease phenotypes and molecular pathways, 3) the immunogenetics of uveitis, and 4) the role of the gut microbiota in uveitis.


novel genetic variants in uveitis

Research Area(s)

Other | autoimmunity | uveitis


  • Funded by: KODATI, Shilpa
  • Funded by: KODATI, Shilpa
  • Principal investigator of: The role of the gut microbiota in triggering autoimmunity through antigenic mimicry in non-infectious uveitis
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