Member Database

Sarah Sperry

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology

BS, Clinical Psychology, Tufts University
PhD, Clinical Psychology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Clinical Residency, Medical University of South Carolina
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Dr. Sperry is the director of the Emotion and Temporal Dynamics (EmoTe) Lab and is one of the key investigators within the Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Program. Dr. Sperry’s broad mission to improve early detection, predict illness trajectory, and develop personalized interventions for bipolar spectrum disorders. Within this broader mission, she uses mobile technology (smartphones, wearable devices) and intensive longitudinal modeling to characterize and understand intraindividual variability in emotion and behavior in real-world contexts. This work will integrate seamlessly with the Prechter Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder, which will allow Dr. Sperry to continue to identify affective and cognitive mechanisms underlying the development and maintenance of bipolar spectrum disorders. She hopes her work will integrate with the Bipolar Clinic, translating research findings into real-world interventions that improve the daily lives of people struggling.

Dr. Sperry is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Bipolar Clinic, a clinical and research program for adults with bipolar spectrum disorders. She is actively involved in the clinical care of patients, clinical training and supervision, and educational outreach.



University Affiliation(s)

Eisenberg Depression Center | Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Program

Research Area(s)

Clinical Outcomes | Learning health sciences | Mathematical modeling & statistical analysis | mental health | mobile health | predictive modeling


  • Principal investigator of: Leveraging Digital Phenotyping to Capture Heterogeneity in Bipolar Spectrum Disorders
  • Principal investigator of: Exploring individual differences in the affective dynamics of bipolar spectrum psychopathology
  • Principal investigator of: Differentiating impulsivity dimensions using experience sampling and ambulatory psychophysiology
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