Mark Van Oyen
Industrial and Operations Engineering
• Ph.D. Electrical Engineering: Systems (Apr. 1989 - Aug. 1992) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
• M.S.E. Electrical Engineering: Systems (Sept. 1987 -Apr. 1989) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
• B.S.E. with concentration in Electrical Engineering (Sept. 1982 - May 1986). Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI
Mark Van Oyen is a Professor of Industrial and Operations Engr. (IOE) at the University of Michigan. His interests focus on the development of models and methods for machine learning, contextual real-time learning, dynamic model of disease, discrete event simulation, and optimization. His research addresses both healthcare operations/delivery and medical decision making. He co-authored papers that won the 2016 Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Best Paper award, 2016 MSOM Service Science SIG best paper award, 2010 Pierskalla Award, and two 1st and two 2nd place best paper awards from the POMS College of Healthcare Op’s. Mgmt. He has served as Associate Editor for Operations Research, Management Science, Naval Research Logistics, and IIE Transactions, and IIE Trans. Healthcare Syst. Engr. and Senior Editor for Flexible Services & Manufacturing. He was a faculty member of the Northwestern Univ. Sch. of Engr. (1993-2005) and Loyola Univ. of Chicago’s Sch. of Bus. Admin. (1999-2005). He has received grant funding from NIH, NSF, Glaucoma Research Foundation, the VA, and others. He received his Ph.D. from Electrical Engr. Systems from the University of Michigan and has worked in industry for GE Corporate R&D and Lear Siegler’s Instrument & Avionic Sys. Div.
OR start time prediction and control, clinical research unit operations management, glaucoma IOP control and time to next test, glaucoma prediction, patient flow modeling, patient itinerary length reduction, readmissions prediction and reduction, urgency based OR scheduling, urgency based planning and scheduling in- or outpatient
University Affiliation(s)
CHEPS | University of Michigan
Community and Professional Affiliation(s)
Research Area(s)
Data science / Analytics / AI | Disease Modeling
- Principal investigator of: Joint Adaptive Learning and Optimization with Application to Data-Driven Healthcare Admissions
- Principal investigator of: REU: Collaborative Research: A Design Methodology for Operational Flexibility
- Principal investigator of: GRANT TRANSFER FROM LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO: Collaborative Research: A Design Methodology for Operational Flexibility