Member Database



Mariel Lavieri is an Associate Professor and the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan. In her work, she applies operations research to healthcare topics. Dr. Lavieri has...


Jun is an Associate Professor at Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. Her work focuses on the use of causal inference and high dimensional statistics to enhance patient outcomes and reduce disparity. She also has a particular interest in improving the...


John Silberholz is an Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. His current research interests lie in healthcare analytics. Silberholz is particularly interested in questions surrounding designing and...


Mark Van Oyen is a Professor of Industrial and Operations Engr. (IOE) at the University of Michigan. His interests focus on the development of models and methods for machine learning, contextual real-time learning, dynamic model of disease, discrete event simulation,...