Member Database



Yixin Wang works in the fields of Bayesian statistics, machine learning, and causal inference. Her research interests lie in the intersection of theory and applications. She completed her PhD in statistics at Columbia working with David Blei and her undergraduate in...


Eileen Weinheimer-Haus is a Senior Project Manager in the Department of Learning Health Sciences. She has been a project manager with Akbar K. Waljee, MD, MSc for the past several years and is involved in the development and execution of programs and projects related...


Mariel Lavieri is an Associate Professor and the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan. In her work, she applies operations research to healthcare topics. Dr. Lavieri has...


I am a PhD candidate, currently in my fifth year of the Biostatistics PhD program, at the Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan. I work as a Graduate Student Research Assistant in the BayesRx Research Group led by Prof. Veera Baladandayuthapani, who is...


I am an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and an Assistant Research Professor in the d3lab located in the Institute of Social Research. My research focuses on Statistical Methods for Digital and Mobile Health. My current work involves three complementary research...